Health Governance:
The Value for Strategic Purchasing
13 December 2024, Friday | 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM (GMT+8)
Health is going to be top of agenda in many parts of the world. Afterall, the strength of economy is partly based on a healthy population. Health is complex- it is provided by government in terms of public health services and also by the private sector for many medical interventions. The question is how do we keep our population healthy, providing quality basic services using cost-effective systems and technology amidst limited resources.
One of the acknowledged problems we have in our health care is scarcity of human resources for health, the second is procuring services and goods.
Kenneth Hartigan-Go will discuss the broad issues of human resources and the role industry leaders can play to support an existential problem, one which can affect our future ready workforce. There is a growing problem on lack of doctors and nurses in the world. This means foreign countries with this need will import and employ our scarce human resources while Philippines continue to export. Eventually, this problem will turn into a quality of care issue and ultimately become a health security dilemma. This will further polarize the rich and the poor in terms of access to health care services. The problems in HRH include scholarships, admissions, attrition, quality of health science education, inability to pass licensure examinations, finding employment, working conditions and salary & compensation, retention, migration, re-entry and re-integration. What are possible solutions if we consider health is everybody’s business?
Max Ventura will provide a sneak peak on what is Strategic Purchasing, with empirical inputs from a recent Southeast Asian study, with focus on the Philippines and where private sector can play a role. Health sector strengthening is a strategy the Philippines must embrace. One of the solutions is to introduce the principles and practice of Strategic Purchasing. Originally designed for improving government efficiency to deliver better health, it can also be applied in many private sectors setting. What is Strategic purchasing and what are the principles and components to make this work? Coming from the public health emergency called the COVID 19 Pandemic and the financial impact it created, it was clear that Southeast Asia will need a plan for Strategic purchasing. Basic questions like What to buy, from whom to buy and how to buy will be touched on. The end goal is making health systems in our country more resilient and assist in the sustainability of Universal Health Care. One of the most valuable principles is procuring for better outcomes and consideration of inter-dependency of the components of the health system: governance, human resources, services and facilities, medicines, ICT, and lastly financing.
26 July 2024, Friday
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM (GMT+08)
30 August 2024, Friday
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM (GMT+08)
27 September 2024, Friday
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM (GMT+08)
25 October 2024, Friday
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM (GMT+08)
29 November 2024, Friday
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM (GMT+08)
13 December 2024, Friday
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM (GMT+08)
Building a Working and Effective Board: Essential Steps to Success
Atty. Teodoro Kalaw IV, FICD
Corporate Secretary and Thought Leadership Chair
Institute of Corporate Directors
Customer Centricity
Mr. Ramon Vicente Roxas, MICD
Founder and Managing Director
Capability Philippines, Inc.
Effectively Cascading the Company Strategic Plan
Mr. Rex Drilon II, FICD
Former Chairman,
Institute of Corporate Directors
Deploying a Data-first Strategy: Separating Fact Versus Fiction
Dr. David R. Hardoon, FICD
Chief Executive Officer
Aboitiz Data Innovation
Who is Responsible for Your Corporate Culture
Mr. Frank Numann, FICD
Independent Anti-Bribery Consultant
Health Governance: The Value for Strategic Purchasing
Dr. Kenneth Y. Hartigan-Go MD, MD (UK), FICD
Adjunct Faculty
Asian Institute of Management
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SOLO PASS: PHP 3,000.00
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SERIES PASS: PHP 12,000.00
Attend all six sessions (Inclusive of VAT)
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○ 5% if referred by an ICD Member
○ 5% Group Discount with a minimum of 5 participants in the same company
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E-Certificate and materials, the program fee is PHP 1,000.00 per session.