Public Advisory from the Institute of Corporate Directors Philippines.
In light of the COVID-19 situation, ICD is now going global and digital.
ICD now offers interactive online courses and webinars, which you may join in the safety and comfort of your homes.
ICD also offers in-house or exclusive online trainings designed for your company's needs.
Learn from our seasoned experts, participate in the discussion, and interact with your co-attendees online! Invest now in your professional development.
Check out our Online Courses and Webinars page for more information.
All on-site trainings and events are currently put on hold until further notice.
For inquiries and for more details, email us at
Investor Relations
as a Profession
Participation in this course meets the recommended best practice for continuing directors education prescribed in the Revised Corporation Code of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
ICD is a Civil Service Commission (CSC) Accredited Learning and Development Institution.
Investor relations, when done properly, is a relevant aspect of corporate governance through a more technically enhanced and systematic method of communication. Its ultimate goal is to earn the trust of investors that will help develop a long-term and mutually beneficial relationship between the people running the business and the minority shareholders.
Among the topics to be discussed are as follows:
The components of investor relations,
its role and responsibilities
Setting up an IR team
Financial analysis from the
portfolio investors’ perspective
What it takes to be an effective IR professional
Learning the objectives, language
and psychology of investors
IR benchmarking