Public Advisory from the Institute of Corporate Directors Philippines.
In light of the COVID-19 situation, ICD is now going global and digital.
ICD now offers interactive online courses and webinars, which you may join in the safety and comfort of your homes.
ICD also offers in-house or exclusive online trainings designed for your company's needs.
Learn from our seasoned experts, participate in the discussion, and interact with your co-attendees online! Invest now in your professional development.
Check out our Online Courses and Webinars page for more information.
All on-site trainings and events are currently put on hold until further notice.
For inquiries and for more details, email us at
Corporate Governance for Non-government Organizations (NGOs)
Participation in this course meets the recommended best practice for continuing directors education prescribed in the Revised Corporation Code of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
ICD is a Civil Service Commission (CSC) Accredited Learning and Development Institution.
Over the years, the non-profit sector has become an increasingly important part of the economy as well as civil society. Its products and services fill in gaps where business does not wish to venture into, and government cannot fill. Yet most NGOs either focus too much on their social mission without regard to their long-term sustainability or run themselves like businesses while losing their core identity in the process.
This course (which builds on the foundations of ICD’s successful directors orientation program for corporations) will not only teach new and current directors of NGOs the fundamentals of corporate governance but also deal with the unique governance challenges of their organizations such as replacing a founder and fund-raising.
The whole day session will be led by Ricardo Nicanor N Jacinto, FICD who served as CEO of Habitat for Humanity Philippines (2010-2012) and ICD (2013-2017).