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Public Advisory from the Institute of Corporate Directors Philippines.

In light of the COVID-19 situation, ICD is now going global and digital.
ICD now offers interactive online courses and webinars, which you may join in the safety and comfort of your homes. 
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Sustainability Strategy
and Reporting

Participation in this course meets the recommended best practice for continuing directors education prescribed in the Revised Corporation Code of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

ICD is a Civil Service Commission (CSC) Accredited Learning and Development Institution.


For Publicly-Listed Corporations seeking to produce sustainability reports fully-compliant with the world's leading standard for sustainability reporting, applying ICD's unique strategic and value-added perspective.


The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) last February 2019 issued its Sustainability Reporting Guidelines to Publicly Listed Companies (PLCs) requiring all PLCs to file sustainability reports next year together with their 2020 annual reports. In its own words, the SEC aims to help PLCs "assess and manage non-financial performance across Economic, Environmental and Social aspects of their organizations and enable PLCs to measure and monitor their contributions towards achieving universal targets of sustainability, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as well as national policies and programs such as AmBisyon Natin 2040".


Beyond complying with this new reporting requirement, however, PLCs should really ask how sustainability reporting can also better guide them in addressing the business case for proactively managing their sustainability impacts, as well as potentially provide them with a competitive advantage in their specific industry setting.


This is the only course that merges applying SEC and GRI-compliant sustainability reporting with executing competitive strategy in the Philippine context.


ICD's Sustainability Strategy and Reporting will not only comprehensively provide a complete user orientation to the world's leading standard for sustainability reporting, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, particularly with how to produce a sustainability report compliant with BOTH the GRI Standards and the SEC guidelines. Using research grounded in the Philippine setting, participants will ALSO be provided with a guided tour of how to identify their firm's business case for sustainability as well as define, develop, and execute a firm-wide sustainability strategy that will be the basis for their sustainability reports.


This is not just about learning "how to talk" sustainability but really how to "walk one's talk".


   ○ Identify and assess the business case for how one's firm should comprehensively address

      sustainability issues given its own particular industry context.


   ○ Develop and execute a firm-wide sustainability strategy that will be the basis for what 

      the PLC will report on.

   ○ Receive an in-depth understanding of both the SEC Guidelines and GRI Standards.

   ○ Learn how to practically produce a sustainability report that is fully-compliant with both

      the SEC Guidelines and GRI Standards.


No previous GRI knowledge is necessary. Participants who complete the course will receive a certificate

of completion from GRI.


This course is suitable for organizations and individuals, whether new or experienced in sustainability reporting, who have the desire to acquire a better understanding of the SEC Guidelines, GRI Standards, and/or sustainability strategy. These include:

Directors and officers

of reporting organizations

Sustainability or CSR practitioners,

including students and lecturers

CSOs, CSR Heads, HR Heads, Corporate Communications, Marketing, Compliance Officers and Investor Relations managers

Analysts, Auditors, Asset Managers, Consultants


Corporate Secretary
Institute of Corporate Directors

Professor of Law
Ateneo Law School

First Filipino GRI Certified Sustainability Professional

Director, Research & Development Department

Faculty, Institute of Corporate Directors

Senior IT GRC Manager

Independent Director
Exceture, Inc.

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