Public Advisory from the Institute of Corporate Directors Philippines.
In light of the COVID-19 situation, ICD is now going global and digital.
ICD now offers interactive online courses and webinars, which you may join in the safety and comfort of your homes.
ICD also offers in-house or exclusive online trainings designed for your company's needs.
Learn from our seasoned experts, participate in the discussion, and interact with your co-attendees online! Invest now in your professional development.
Check out our Online Courses and Webinars page for more information.
All on-site trainings and events are currently put on hold until further notice.
For inquiries and for more details, email us at
The Nuances of Government Procurement
Participation in this course meets the recommended best practice for continuing directors education prescribed in the Revised Corporation Code of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
ICD is a Civil Service Commission (CSC) Accredited Learning and Development Institution.
ICD’s The Nuances of Government Procurement aims to discuss the relevant laws and reforms on public procurement, and how the law is applied in practice. The course will also contrast public procurement against procurement under the Build Operate Transfer (BOT) law to give
the participants a holistic picture of the major procurement processes used by government in tendering projects. The course ends with a discussion on the relevant ethical rules in procurement. Each module is designed to increase awareness and understanding of the processes, while participants are engaged through case studies and group workshops.
Those who are regularly involved in and participate in government biddings and need an in-depth understanding of the rules on public procurement contrasted with Build Operate Transfer (BOT) processes:
○ Board of directors of GOCCs
○ Senior executives in both the public and private sector
○ Procurement professionals and bidding officers
All about Public Procurement
Ethics in Procurement
Introduction to the Build Operate and Transfer processes