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Public Advisory from the Institute of Corporate Directors Philippines.

In light of the COVID-19 situation, ICD is now going global and digital.
ICD now offers interactive online courses and webinars, which you may join in the safety and comfort of your homes. 
ICD also offers in-house or exclusive online trainings designed for your company's needs.

Learn from our seasoned experts, participate in the discussion, and interact with your co-attendees online! Invest now in your professional development.

Check out our Online Courses and Webinars page for more information.

All on-site trainings and events are currently put on hold until further notice.
For inquiries and for more details, email us at 

Corporate Secretary as
Corporate Governance Professional

Participation in this course meets the recommended best practice for continuing directors education prescribed in the Revised Corporation Code of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

ICD is a Civil Service Commission (CSC) Accredited Learning and Development Institution.

This is a Career Executive Service Board (CESB) Accredited Training Program.

ICD's Corporate Secretary as Corporate Governance Professional program examines the powers, duties, role, and value of Corporate Secretaries in an organization. The course presents the basic principles, importance and benefits of modern corporate governance, and reforms to global, regional, and local initiatives.


By the end of the course, the participants will be able to:

Explain the corporate secretary’s role

as well as its key activities and qualifications in the corporate governance framework.

Describe the structures of a secretariat and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of having an in-house corporate secretary.

Identify good practices, processes and procedures for corporate secretaries and the role, skills, and techniques needed to conduct effective board meetings and annual general meeting of shareholders.

Define and explain the key principles and elements of good corporate governance systems and the skills needed to manage relationships within it.

Explain the part of the corporate secretary in preparing before, during, and after a meeting, including answering the most frequently asked questions about being a corporate secretary.

Draft minutes and develop an action log in line with best practices.

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