Notice of Nominations for Annual Elections 2024
Dear ICD Fellows:
This year, our Annual Membership Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 16 October 2024, from 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
As always, part of the AGMM will be devoted for the election of Trustees to fill four vacancies in the Board of ICD and serve a full three-year term.
Part of the AGMM will be devoted to the election of Trustees to fill four vacancies in the Board of ICD replacing the following Trustees whose terms will end this year:
Ms. Tomasa H. Lipana
Atty. Pedro H. Maniego, Jr.
Mr. Jonathan Juan DC Moreno
Ms. Maria Celeste S. Narciso
The group profile of the remaining Trustees can be accessed in this link: ICD Board of Trustees Profile. This may serve as a guide to nomination of a Fellow in good standing that will complement the current Board.
As a reminder, only Fellows in Good Standing (paid current membership dues) as of 25 August 2024 shall be eligible to nominate or be nominated for the upcoming 2024 Elections of ICD Board of Trustees.
Moreover, only Fellows in Good Standing (paid current membership dues) as of 15 October 2024 shall be eligible to vote for the upcoming 2024 Elections of ICD Board of Trustees.
Please click this link (Fellows and Life Fellows in Good Standing as of this date) for verification of membership status. If your name does not appear and you are a Fellow in Good Standing, please contact immediately. We highly encourage members not in good standing to please settle their membership dues to participate in the Trustee Nominations and Elections.
Attached to this email is the ICD’s Guidelines for the Nomination and Election of Trustees for the nominations of Trustees who will serve for three years starting January 1, 2025. Kindly refer to the said guidelines and submit your Nomination Form on or before Monday, 26 August 2024. Please bear in mind that a candidate needs to be nominated by two (2) Fellows in good standing.
The final list of Fellows who are deemed qualified to run by the NOMELEC for election as Trustee at the 2024 AGMM will be released electronically on (Friday), 6 September 2024. This will be sent together with the guidelines for electronic voting for the 2024 AGMM.
Please feel free to reach out to Ms. AJ Lugtu at in case you have any questions regarding the nomination process.
Thank you for your attention on the matter.
Yours sincerely,
Atty. Teodoro Kalaw IV
Corporate Secretary
Noted by:
Atty. Jose Tomas C. Syquia
Chair – Nomination and Election Committee (NOMELEC)
Note: Nomination Forms and other necessary materials links for the Nominations for Annual Elections 2024 are sent via email to all ICD Members. For inquiries, kindly email at