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"Home is Where the Work Is"
How to Make WFH Work

A lot has been said about how the global pandemic has drastically forced us into the “New Normal”. “Work from Home” (WFH) which was once a strategic option, be it for cost or productivity purposes, is now the only way for many organizations to resume operations and to keep their businesses afloat. Many are doing it, but do the “many” really understand the true impacts and risks of a WFH approach?


In this interactive webinar, our panel of speakers and reactors will be sharing their expertise, experiences, and insights of WFH. We hope to provide practical tips and key considerations from the Board level to the confines of your Home, where we hope you will join us from.

The session is free.


Directors, Executives, HR practitioners


Moderator: Mr. Jojo Aquino

09:30 AM - 09:35 AM

09:35 AM - 09:45 AM

09:45 AM - 09:55 AM

09:55 AM - 10:05 AM

10:05 AM - 10:15 AM

10:15 AM - 10:25 AM

10:25 AM - 11:05 AM

11:05 AM - 11:15 AM

Webinar House Rules, Introduction of Speaker

Mr. Henry Aguda

Mr. VJ Africa

Ms. Julie Reyes

Mr. Mario Demarillas

Mr. Richard Bon Moya 

Q&A Session

Wrap-up, Closing


26 May 2020, Tuesday | 09:30 AM - 11:15 AM (Open for ICD Members and Non-Members)

View the live recording on our official Facebook page.


VJ Africa wears many hats in the technology and entrepreneurship scene. With a personal mantra of “Tech for Good, Tech for All”, he is an organization and change driver, a serial entrepreneur, and a startup enabler.

VJ is the Managing Director of the Singapore and Malaysia operations of IT Group, Inc., a regional technology solutions company headquartered in the Philippines.


VJ graduated from Ateneo de Manila and carries an MBA from Thunderbird School of Global Management. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD) and chairs the Technology Governance Committee.

Mr. Henry Aguda

Henry R. Aguda holds the position of Senior Executive Vice President, Chief Technology and Operations Officer and Chief Transformation Officer of UnionBank of the Philippines. He is also the Chairman of UBX Philippines Corporation, a subsidiary of the Bank. He was a former Chief Information Officer of Globe Telecom, Inc. He served as the Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President for the IT Group of the Government System Insurance Services (GSIS) and the Group Chief Information Technology Officer of Digitel Telecommunications Philippines. He was also the Chief Operations Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Nextel Communications Philippines. In addition to this, he has also worked with Fujitsu Philippines, Bayantel, and Computer Information Systems Inc. He was awarded ASEAN CIO of the Year in 2010 in the Government Sector by the International Data Group. Mr. Aguda obtained his degrees in Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Juris Doctor in Law, both from the University of the Philippines. He is the author of the book, Data Privacy & Cybercrime Prevention in the Philippine Digital Age.

Ms. Julie Reyes started her career in banking after graduating from the Ateneo de Manila University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics, major in Computer Science.  She moved to the telco industry in 2007 where she contributed in revolutionizing the Smart Money and Smart Padala in their early years to become the digital “e-money” that you all know today. She had more than 30 years of experience in financial services in various support roles in IT, operations, process management, and channel administration and is now the Head of the Risk and Compliance Office of PayMaya Philippines.

Mr. Bon Moya is currently the National Technology Officer of Microsoft Philippines. He has a broad range of expertise on technology and been sharing his knowledge with different international and local companies since 1997. He was recently connected with V8 Software Solutions, Inc., Ford Foundation, and Department of Budget and Management. He had also been part of many Technical Working Groups promoting IT solutions here in the country.

Mr. Mario Demarillas

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and Head of IT Consulting. As CISO, he is responsible for the development, implementation and monitoring of strategic, comprehensive enterprise information security and IT risk management programs. As Head of IT Consulting, he manages the information systems assurance, data privacy and information/cyber security service lines.

Mr. Jojo Aquino



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