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ACGS & CGS workshop  SPEAKER (plcs and ic).png
For Publicly Listed Companies and Insurance Companies
Participation in this course meets the recommended best practices for continuing directors education prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Insurance Commission (IC)

Invest in your professional development

PHP 3,000.00

(inclusive of VAT)

​Discounts applicable (Only 1 discount is applicable per registration)
    ○ 5% if referred by an ICD Member
    ○ 5% Group Discount with a minimum of 5 participants in the same company

Publicly Listed Companies

25 April 2023

09:00 AM to 04:00 PM (GMT+8)

This course is FREE to all ICD Members in Good Standing

E-Certificate and materials are not included, but may be availed for PHP 1,000

Insurance Companies

18 May 2023

09:00 AM to 04:00 PM (GMT+8)

ACGS Workshop for Publicly Listed Companies

In 2009, finance ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) endorsed the ASEAN Capital Markets Forum (ACMF) Implementation Plan for the development of an integrated capital market. The initiative started in 2011 with the following objectives:

  • to raise the corporate governance standards and practices of ASEAN publicly listed companies (PLCs),

  • to give greater international visibility to well-governed ASEAN PLCs and showcase them as investable companies, and

  •  to complement other ACMF initiatives and promote ASEAN as an asset class. Six ASEAN countries—Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam—agreed to participate in this initiative. Subsequently, six international corporate governance experts, one from each participating country, were engaged to develop the Scorecard based on their national experience, validate it against international best practices, and finally implement it by assessing the PLCs in their respective countries.

Hence, the development of the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS). The ACGS is a developmental tool based on international benchmarks such as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Principles of Corporate Governance, the International Corporate Governance Network Corporate (ICGN) Governance Principles, as well as industry-leading practices from ASEAN and the world. It evaluates the companies’ corporate governance practices in the areas of providing rights and equitable treatment to shareholders, how they relate to their different stakeholders, ensuring their transparency and accountability, and how the board fulfills its duties and responsibilities, and supports corporate governance.  It was updated in May 2017 considering the revised OECD Principles of Corporate Governance which were endorsed by the G20. This raised the bar in the assessment of PLCs. It adopted more stringent criteria for some existing items in the Scorecard and incorporated new recommended practices.


The Philippines officially launched its participation in the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard on 11 September 2012. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been working on the improvement of corporate governance practices in the Philippines since the adoption of the Scorecard. The SEC required all PLCs to issue an Annual Corporate Governance Report (ACGR), which is intended to consolidate all the governance policies and procedures of each PLC into one report for ease of reference. In December 2013, the SEC directed all key officers and members of the board of PLCs to attend a training program on corporate governance at least once a year. In November 2016, the SEC released the Code of Corporate Governance for PLCs, which was designed to raise the corporate governance standards of Philippine corporations to a level at par with its regional and global counterparts. The SEC has issued the Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report (I-ACGR) in 2017, wherein the corporate governance recommendations of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Code of Corporate Governance and Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) were harmonized. The Republic Act No. 11232, Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines was implemented on February 23, 2019. It amended the old corporation code and promoted significant changes in the legal framework in the operation of private corporations in the Philippines to improve ease of doing business in the country. Sustainability reports are required from the companies to be attached in the Annual Reports in 2020.  


Being the Philippines’ Domestic Ranking Body (DRB), the Institute of Corporate Directors Philippines (ICD Ph) evaluate the corporate governance conformance of all listed companies based on the ACGS recommendations. The domestic assessment is conducted every year, while the regional assessment in which our Ph PLCs are independently assessed by the ASEAN DRBs happens every two years. It involves selecting and validating the Top 100 PLCs based on market capitalization and submitting their scores to the ASEAN Capital Markets Forum (ACMF).


With all these regional and domestic developments in the corporate governance, this workshop aims to present the most recent ACGS performance of the publicly listed companies, and to encourage better country performance. It hopes for the companies to give importance on how they disclose information to their different stakeholders. It will also be an opportunity to listen to the other PLCs on how to influence the board in adapting the recommended practices in corporate governance and how it was embraced across their companies. Proposed revisions in the OECD Guidelines will also be discussed.

CGS for ICs
CGS Workshop for Insurance Companies

The ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS) was developed based on international benchmarks such as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Principles of Corporate Governance, the International Corporate Governance Network Corporate (ICGN) Governance Principles, as well as industry-leading practices from ASEAN and the world. The ACGS is a tool used to evaluate corporate governance practices. Endorsed by ASEAN finance ministers in 2009, it was designed to help develop an integrated capital market for the region’s financial integration by 2015.


It is the policy of the Insurance Commission to raise the bar of corporate governance in the insurance industry by adopting the corporate governance best practices in the ASEAN region. In its Circular Letter No. 14-2013, the Insurance Commission (IC) mandated the adoption of the ACGS to all insurance companies and mutual benefit associations (MBA) enjoining covered companies to develop their company websites and post their responses to the ACGS questionnaire with supporting documents. The Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD) was accredited to conduct the assessment of the covered companies.


Last June 13, 2020, the Insurance Commission issued Circular Letter No. 2020-71 mandating all the Insurance/ Reinsurance Companies, Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers, Mutual Benefit Associations, Pre-need Companies and Health Maintenance Organizations to adapt the Revised Code of Corporate Governance. This is based on the Revised Corporation Code which contains the most recent updates and international best practices in Corporate Governance. Through this mandate, it expected that all the companies will revise or amend their Manual on Corporate Governance in accordance with CL 2020-71. 


Since the Code of Corporate Governance has been revised, the Insurance Commission together with the Technical Working Group composed of different organizations and institutions in corporate governance, drafted the Annual Corporate Governance Report to assess all lnsurance Commission Regulated companies' (lCRCs) observance of different principles and recommendations of the Code. The companies will state their compliance to each of the 16 principles, highlight their policies and practices, and disclose the relevant source documents. Through Circular Letter No. 2020-72, the Insurance Commission required the companies to submit their Annual Corporate Governance Report every May 30 which should be signed by their board and key officers. However, the companies were not required anymore to post their responses on Annual Corporate Governance Scorecard on their website. 


As the assessment has been conducted in the past 8 years, it was observed that the improvement in the performance of the insurance companies in Corporate Governance Scorecard has been very minimal. Hence, this workshop is looking forward to encouraging the companies give importance on how they disclose information to their different stakeholders. It also hopes to clarify the misconceptions between CGS and ACGR. It will be an opportunity to listen to the other insurance companies on how to influence the board in adapting the recommended practices in corporate governance and how it was embraced across their companies.


Mr. Roberto T. Bascon, Jr., AICD

Director, Research & Development Department

Faculty, Institute of Corporate Directors

Roberto T. Bascon is the Director of ICD's Faculty and Research & Development Department, an Associate Member and also part of ICD's excellent pool of teaching faculties. 

He is a member of Good Governance Advocates and Practitioners of the Philippines (GGAPP) and was a Resource Person for the Insurance Commission Revised Code of Corporate Governance.

He is a certified trainer for the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards Certified Training Course, and was the Co-Chairman of Ease of Doing Business - Protecting Minority Investors (EODB-PMI) Task Force under Anti-Red Tape Authority (2019).

He is a Certified Graduate of Palladium Kaplan-Norton Strategy Execution and a Business Sustainability Management graduate of the University of Cambridge - Institute of Sustainability Leadership.

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