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Webinar Series

In Partnership with the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities and The Climate Reality Project Philippines

Participation in this webinar series meets the recommended best practices for continuing directors education prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).


Invest in your professional development.

The platform to be used is Zoom.


Registration fee is PHP 3,000 (inclusive of VAT) per webinar.

(Only one (1) discount is applicable.)

50% off for partners of the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities and The Climate Reality Project

20% off for partners of the Institute of Corporate Directors

5% off if referred by an ICD Member

This whole webinar series is free for ICD Members in Good Standing

Episode 1

Pilipinas: Aspire, Rise, Sustain Series

In Partnership with the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities, The Climate Reality Project Philippines, and the Institute of Corporate Directors


11 November 2022 | 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM (GMT+8)

The energy system of the Philippines remains to be dominated by fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and gas, which gives rise to issues on energy affordability, reliability, and security. Based on the Department of Energy’s 2020 Power Statistics, 78.8% of our country’s total energy generation come from fossil fuels, while 21.2% is renewables.

The reason why electricity costs in the Philippines are high (2nd highest in Southeast Asia at around P9 per kilowatt-hour is because we import these fossil fuels whose rates are vulnerable to global market price volatility and energy crises. Coal, which serves our baseload capacity, has also been responsible for continuing outages, further increasing costs to our electricity.


The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) reported that renewables can bring down electricity rates in the country by 30%, given that the feed-in-tariff and prioritized dispatch of RE have led to reductions in wholesale electricity spot prices. The country’s target, as stated in the Philippine Energy Plan, is to increase the share of renewables in our power generation mix to 35% by 2030 and to 50% by 2040.


A just transition to renewable energy is seen to lower electricity costs in the Philippines, promote cleaner air and healthier communities, and prevent further rise to global warming and climate change. While the development of RE is regaining ground in the Philippines and across the globe, there needs to be more people championing this on the ground.

The Energy Department’s Green Energy Option Program (GEOP) is a voluntary policy mechanism that provides electricity end-users with 100 kilowatts and above demand the option to choose renewable energy resources as their source of energy. It provides options to end-users to contribute to the development and utilization of renewable energy resources in a least-cost and sustainable manner.

EPISODE 1 SCHEDULE |   11 November 2022 (Friday) | 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM (GMT+8)

04:00 PM - 04:05 PM

04:05 PM - 04:15 PM

04:15 PM - 04:20 PM

04:20 PM - 04:40 PM

04:40 PM - 05:00 PM

05:00 PM - 05:20 PM

05:20 PM - 05:50 PM

Opening Ceremonies


Welcome Remarks

Phyllis Cutino

President and CEO

The Climate Reality Project Philippines

Introduction of Moderators (SustainaRumble)

Status of the Green Energy Option Program (GEOP)

Engr. Isidro Cacho

Chief Corporate Strategy and Communications Officer 

Independent Electricity Market Operator of the Philippines, Inc. (IEMOP)

Profitability of Renewable Energy

David Co

Business Development Head

Vita Tropic Inc.

Ma. Celeste Romualdo

General Manager

Linden Suites

Question and Answer

Closing and Announcements

Note: Program subject to change without further notice.

Episode 2

Pilipinas: Aspire, Rise, Sustain Series

In Partnership with the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities, The Climate Reality Project Philippines, and the Institute of Corporate Directors

Episode 2: Social and Governance Factors in the Post-Pandemic Landscape

18 November 2022 | 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM (GMT+08)


The Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD), together with the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC), and The Climate Reality Project (TCRP) Philippines, is organizing the webinar Social and Governance Factors in the Post-PandemicLandscape. It is part of ICD’s Pilipinas: Aspire, Rise, Sustain Series.


Two years since the start of Covid-19 pandemic, businesses and organizations are navigating their business strategies to thrive in the “New Normal” while dealing with the current economic challenges. Human capital and leadership have been at the heart of these disruptions that warrant the attention of Board Directors and Business Leaders.

Tone is set from the top and value creation or destruction is a result of the quality of board leadership. Thus, it is important for boards to understand the current social and governance challenges that confront them to succeed in navigating the post-pandemic landscape. What are the new working structures and organizational cultures that resulted from the pandemic? How can the public and private sectors work together in ensuring sustainability and stewardship? What are the examples that boards can look to integrate sustainability principles into their strategy and internal processes?

EPISODE 2 SCHEDULE |    18 November 2022 (Friday) |  4:00 PM – 6:00 PM (GMT+08)

04:00 PM - 04:05 PM

04:05 PM - 04:10 PM

04:10 PM - 04:15 PM

04:15 PM - 05:30 PM


05:30 PM - 05:45 PM

05:45 PM - 06:00 PM

Opening Ceremonies

Welcome Remarks:

Atty. Pedro "Pete" H. Maniego Jr. , FICD, PIE

Trustee, Institute of Corporate Directors

Senior Policy Advisor, Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities

Keynote Address

Chuchi G. Fonacier

Deputy Governor
Financial Supervision Sector
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas

Fireside Chat with Speakers

Maria Luz E. Javier

Vice Chairperson

UN Global Compact Network

 Maria Victoria A. Tan

Head, Risk Management and Sustainability Unit

Ayala Corporation

Atty. Amabelle C Asuncion

Chief Legal Officer

Manila Water Company, Inc.

Chuchi G. Fonacier

Deputy Governor
Financial Supervision Sector
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas


Dennis M. Montecillo, FICD

Independent Director
Metro Pacific Hospitals Group

Question and Answer

Closing and Announcements

Note: Program subject to change without further notice.

Episode 3

Pilipinas: Aspire, Rise, Sustain Series

In Partnership with the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities, The Climate Reality Project Philippines, and the Institute of Corporate Directors

Episode 3: Accelerating the Energy Transition and Inclusive Development: Towards a Prosperity Agenda

25 November 2022 | 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM (GMT+08)

The Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD), together with the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC) and The Climate Reality Project Philippines (TCRP), have been working together to drive the country’s energy transition agenda faster with the support of their members. ICD has devoted an annual event with ICSC and TCRP, called the Aspire, Rise, Sustain series.

Last year, top energy policy experts provided a compelling overview of global trends surrounding domestic and international energy transition implications on the fiduciary responsibilities of corporate directors in the country.

This year’s annual event will focus on the need to accelerate the country’s energy transition, complemented by strong energy finance, entitled Accelerating the Energy Transition and Inclusive Development: Towards a Prosperity Agenda.

The event webinar aims to (i) increase awareness of the growing opportunities in renewables and energy efficiency finance; (ii) emphasize the strategic role of the top corporations in the country in accelerating the transition toward clean, affordable, reliable, and secure energy system focusing on sustainable development and resiliency; and (iii) provide finance executives a platform to discuss the sector’s role in accelerating the energy transition.

The webinar will tackle why there is a need to pivot the country’s climate agenda toward building robust community ownership for climate action anchored on resilience and sustainable development, instead of focusing on GHG emissions reduction per se.

The event will also cover the exciting trends in energy finance opportunities that Philippine companies should leverage early and boldly to secure long-term returns and deliver the greatest value for their shareholders.

Finally, the webinar will also discuss the growing opportunities in on-shore and off-shore wind, battery storage, and the upcoming disruption in the energy sector that will make renewables highly competitive with its baseload counterparts.

EPISODE 3 SCHEDULE |   25 November 2022 (Friday) |  4:00 PM – 6:00 PM (GMT+08)

04:00 PM - 04:05 PM

04:05 PM - 04:10 PM


04:10 PM - 04:25 PM

04:25 PM - 04:40 PM

04:40 PM - 04:50 PM

04:50 PM - 05:10 PM

05:10 PM - 05:25 PM

05:25 PM - 05:40 PM

05:40 PM - 05:50 PM

05:50 PM - 06:00 PM

Opening Ceremonies

Opening Remarks

Renato Redentor Constantino

Executive Director

Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities


Part 1: Trends in Energy Transition and Finance

Compelling Trends in International Energy Finance Opportunities

Kalyani Basu

Senior Asia Manager


The Future of Battery Storage and the Coming Disruption in the Energy Sector

Matthew Carpio

Head, Transaction Advisory
Climate Smart Ventures

Question and Answer

Part 2: Accelerating Energy Transition in the Philippines and Southeast Asia

Raising the Bar: Increasing the Renewable Portfolio Standards Rates to Accelerate the Energy Transition

Asec. Mylene Capongcol

Department of Energy

Southeast Asia Information Platform (SIPET): Promoting collaboration among energy transition stakeholders in Southeast Asia

Angelika Marie David

CASE Project Coordinator
Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities

Highlights of “Accelerating Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation: Strengthening the Philippines’ Contribution to Limit Global Warming and Cope with its Impacts” report

Nazrin Camille Castro

Philippine Branch Manager

The Climate Reality Project Philippines

Open Forum

Closing Remarks

Atty. Pedro " Pete" H. Maniego Jr. , FICD

Trustee, Institute of Corporate Directors

Senior Policy Advisor, Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities

Closing Announcements

Note: Program subject to change without further notice.

This webinar series is brought to you by:

The Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD) is a non-stock, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the professionalization of Philippine corporate directorship by raising the level of corporate governance policy and practice to world-class standards.

The ICD is the leading institution in the field of corporate governance in the Philippines. It is the officially designated Domestic Ranking Body for the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS), a rating system designed to raise the corporate governance standards of ASEAN countries. The Institute is composed of over 500 professional directors practicing ethical governance. ICD’ Fellows and Members are committed to a shared vision of a transformed corporate governance ecosystem that bears the fruits of corporate and individual social responsibility. ICD is accredited with Securities and Exchange Commission, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, the Governance Commission for Government Owned and Controlled Corporations, the Insurance Commission, the Career Executive Service Board, and the Civil Service Commission.The Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD) is a non-stock, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the professionalization of Philippine corporate directorship by raising the level of corporate governance policy and practice to world-class standards.

The Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC) is an international non- government group advancing fair climate policy and low carbon, climate- resilient development. Based in the Philippines, it is engaged with the wider international climate and energy policy arena, particularly in Asia. It is recognized for its role in helping advance effective global climate action and the Paris climate agreement.

The ICSC advises the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and Vulnerable Twenty Group of Finance Ministers (V20), and convenes the Adaptation Finance Accountability Initiative Plus (AFAI+). The organization also provides technical and economic analysis on key issues in order to accelerate the transition to reliable, affordable and sustainable energy systems.

The Climate Reality Project Philippines is the country chapter of The Climate Reality Project, an organization that aims to catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every sector of society. It is founded by former US and Nobel laureate Al Gore and has trained over 42,200 Climate Reality Leaders in 174 countries to help find solutions to the global climate crisis.

The Climate Reality Project Philippines re-launched in 2020 with a new approach to place its roster of Pinoy Climate Reality Leaders and their initiatives at the core of its action plan. It provides capacity development services to its diverse and thriving community of 1,800 Filipino Climate Reality Leaders from the public, private, and youth sectors to empower them to promote renewable energy, sustainable urban mobility, and other development approaches in pursuit of genuine and lasting climate resilience for the country.

The Climate Reality Philippines is hosted by the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC), an international non-government group advancing fair climate policy and low carbon and climate-resilient development.

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